How to Interpret the Collar Status on the Pet Card (Old App Versions) Follow
This article applies to users who have the Halo App version 1.98- 2.0.1 on IOS, or version 1.85- 2.0.1 on Android
If you have an earlier version of the Halo App, Click here.
Within the Halo App, your dog's Pet Card will give you all the information you need to know about their current status and location.
Below is an explanation of each component of the Pet Card. Click one of the headings below to skip to that section.
Pet Status
The Pet Status represents your dog's real-time location and safety status. Here are the options for your pet's status:
Your dog is safely inside of one of their Halo Fences, and Fences are ON (i.e. Fence mode is set to 'feedback').
Fences are OFF (i.e. Fence mode is set to 'Ignore' feedback), and you have received a status update from the Halo Collar within the last 5 minutes.
Your Halo's status hasn't been updated for 5 minutes or more - to learn more, see the article "My Pet Card data isn't up-to-date".
Your Halo's status hasn't been updated in over 5 hours - to learn more, see the article "Why is my collar disconnected or offline?".
Your dog is outside of their Halo Fence while Fences are ON (i.e. Fence mode is set to 'Feedback'). NOTE: If you turn Fences ON while your dog is “Unsafe”, feedback will be paused until the next time your dog returns into a Halo Fence.
Your dog is inside the Warning Area of their Fence and is moving away from the center of the fence, or your dog is inside the Keep Away Beacon range, and is moving toward the Beacon.
This is shown in case the collar is in Walk mode. This feature is currently only available to Gold Pack Members. For more information on the Walk Feature, check out This Article.
Pet Location
In order to know exactly where your dog is, you can check the Pet Card to see if they are currently in range of any of your Fences or Beacons.
This icon would mean that your pup is inside of your 'My Home' Fence, or just left it.
This would mean that your pup is within the 'Backyard' Beacon range, or just left it.
Last Updated Time
Your dog's Halo Collar is always protecting them in real time. However, the Halo needs to 'send' location information to your app so that you can see what the collar is doing. Location data is sent to your app and will update every 1 second on all three connection types (Bluetooth, WiFi, or cellular). Additionally, the connection type in use can help to conserve battery life while keeping you up-to-date.
The 'Last Updated Time' indicates how recently your Halo App received a status update from your Halo Collar.
To view your dog's current location at any time, tap the Refresh button on your My Map screen while your phone and collar both have a network connection.
GPS Status
GPS signal strength is high. This will enable all fence feedback and free movement of the collar's GPS position on the map ,so long as the motion sensors are being triggered.
GPS signal strength is medium. This status enables free movement by the collar's GPS position on the map but the collar will only issue a return whistle if it believes that it is over or near the fence boundary.
GPS signal strength is low. This status will pause the collar's movement on the app and will prevent any feedback from being issued.
GPS Initialization is required. Take the collar outside to an area with a clear view of the sky to initialize GPS.
There is no GPS data available (click here to learn more).
Fence Feedback Status
All fence feedback is enabled because of high GPS signal strength.
Fence feedback is limited to Encouragement feedback only, due to medium GPS signal strength.
Fence feedback is paused due to low GPS signal strength.
Fences are are set to Ignore.
Fence Feedback is disabled because GPS Initialization is required. Take the collar outside to an area with a clear view of the sky to initialize GPS.
Your pet is inside the range of a Keep Away Beacon, and is moving towards the Beacon.
Fence feedback is paused because your pet is inside the range of an Ignore Fence Beacon.
Network Connection Status
Your Halo App will report the network connection type that was most recently used by your Halo Collar:
This icon means your collar has been connected using Wi-Fi, and the number of blue lines indicates the strength of your signal.
This icon means your collar has been connected using a Cellular connection, and the number of blue bars indicates the strength of your signal.
This icon means that there is no Wi-Fi signal on the collar. This could mean that Wi-Fi has not been configured, or is not available.
This icon means that there is no Cellular signal on the collar. This can indicate that Cellular connection is paused, or the data from the collar is 'outdated', or the collar is 'disconnected', or the data is 'unknown' because was never received from the collar.
Bluetooth Connection Status
Your Halo App can use a Bluetooth connection to receive data from your Halo Collar instead of using an internet connection.
This icon means that your Halo is using a Bluetooth connection to send data to your Halo App.
This icon means that Bluetooth is disconnected.
This icon means that Bluetooth is currently disabled by your phone settings.
This icon means that your Halo App is receiving information about your Halo from another smartphone that is connected to the collar via Bluetooth.
You can view that your Phone's Bluetooth is disabled under Find & Manage Pets.
If you have any further questions and would like to speak to our live support team, please feel free to reach out using the following article: How to Contact Customer Support and we'll be happy to help!
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